Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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모든 번역물

요청된 번역물 - sanelahari

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이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
영어 Following your recent correspondence to us...
With renewed apologies for any inconvenience caused. Yours sincerely
On befal of Ryanair we sincerely apologise for the disruption to your recent flight,which led to a dealyin your departure. Ryanair is committed to providing on time services for all passengers and continues to be the No. 1 on-time airline in Europe ,as detailed in audited issued by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. However, notwithstanding the above there are situations which are outside of the control of Ryanair such as adverse weather conditions, unexpected flight safety problems, strikes and security risks that affect our flight operation. Our handling Agents at the Airport have confirmed that assistance was provided on the day and that the EU261/2004 Article 14.2 notice was displayed and distributed.
Ryanair took all reasonable measures to avoid the delay of your flight and as EU Reg 261 does not apply monetary compesation for delayed flights, we are unable to offer any further reimbursement

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